Tricked you! It's still long!
When you first become a mum, you're thinking you might get the chop and chop the LOT. I thought about it, believe me, I did. Then I remembered before pregnancy I was trying to grow it. During pregnancy, I felt like Rupunzel cause it had grown SO long. It was just the hormones kicking in or something like that... No chop!
When you first become a mum, you're thinking you might get the chop and chop the LOT. I thought about it, believe me, I did. Then I remembered before pregnancy I was trying to grow it. During pregnancy, I felt like Rupunzel cause it had grown SO long. It was just the hormones kicking in or something like that... No chop!
Anyway it got me thinking, when was the last time I got a hair cut? In deep thought, even saying ummmm, ahhh (out loud) January!! In shock horror, yes thats right, the Friday before I gave birth to Luna (on 24thJan). It's now June!
So that’s five months, FIVE months! OMG at least its long her but not so luscious. But I needed something, I felt a long fringe was in order. SO when I went to Anton’s to see Aaron, after I explained to him a long fringe, he said ‘ a dream fringe?!’ YES a dream fringe I replied. I mean that depending on what mood I was in I could part my hair to either side and down the middle and I would have volume. Wow! He explained 'it's multi dimensional'.
I told Aaron about some of my problems, hair loss (post pregnancy) and asked him how we all can keep our hair healthy in Winter.
Here are Aaron's 5 top tips to keep your hair healthy in Winter
1. Don’t abuse hot tools e.g straighteners and curlers
2. Don't tie your hair up too tight
3. Plait your hair before bed
4. Make sure you can afford the upkeep for the colour you want. If you want to go blonde but can only afford to get your hair done twice a year maybe consider other option.
5. If your hair dresser doesn’t think a particular colour is a good idea, because it’s too damaging for your hair or the style doesn’t suit you listen to them. Here at Anton's we have your best interest in mind.
Great tips Aaron, thank you. I will definitely plait my hair before sleep (because at the moment, it mattes :(). To help with my thinning, defs not to pull my hair back too tight! I know I have been doing that.
I had forgotten how happy and refined I felt after getting my hair cut! It’s the little things in life. Set some time out for yourself, you're worth it!
Thank you so much Aaron! I feel like you always listen to my needs and talk me out of silly ideas ;)
Hair by Aaron Nallo from Anton's Hair Studio
Photography by wearefoundau

I had forgotten how happy and refined I felt after getting my hair cut! It’s the little things in life. Set some time out for yourself, you're worth it!
Thank you so much Aaron! I feel like you always listen to my needs and talk me out of silly ideas ;)
Hair by Aaron Nallo from Anton's Hair Studio
Photography by wearefoundau