The newest member of the Wojtaszak family arrived, Luna Winter on the 24 January 2018. I still can’t believe how quickly she arrived (labour-wise). On the 24th I got a check up from the Dr and continued with my plans with Mum. It consisted of a long lunch and shopping till 3pm when she dropped me off. I somehow managed to squeeze in a shoot while my contractions were progressing (but I had no idea, I was having them). That’s when I realised - I was possibly having them!!
Talk about distractions (CalmBirth classes). I think I did a pretty great job at distracting myself (fitting a photoshoot in). I wanted to stay at home for as long as possible as I knew it would be the most comfortable for me. Boy did we cut it fine...
We arrived at the hospital 9pm and Luna Winter arrived at 10:32pm!!
(Already 1 month old)
I adore being a mother. Luna has opened my heart in a way I never thought possible. I wake up every morning so excited to see her. My heart bursts, when I see her smile, and hear a new noise she makes. I want to make sure we are doing everything right so she grows up nice and strong.
There are challenges, she wakes twice a night and if I’m lucky only once and sometimes she gets FOMO and doesn’t want to go to sleep. Lucky for me Paul has been so supportive and hands on! Plus I catch up on sleep during the day so it’s ok. We just want her to grow up healthy and strong.
So happy and very proud our travel buddy has finally arrived. Now we need to prep for our trip to Japan in May. What an experience that will be, to think she is already a globetrotter!