I found most of the fashion from the MTV awards pretty scary! I think Taylor Swift's entourage was the best dressed. Everyone in between made me roll my eyes. You gotta love the daring soles and appreciate the classy goddesses. Who was your favourite?
Here's my top 7, coming in at no. 7 - worst dressed.

Miley Cyrus - wearing a chandelier
Kimmy K - The dress did not need pockets, such a distraction.
Ciara - I actually liked aspects of this outfit but overall it have too many stringy bits.
Nikki Minaj - The dress was very revealing and edgy, you can't go wrong with gold if you have that kind of skin colouring. Gorgeous!
Demi Lovato - Detailed and clean, loved the balance = safe.

Taylor Swift - This chicky bae can do no wrong! I'll take a pair of those shoes, thanks!
My no. 1 - Gigi Hadid, very leggy but if you have pins like that flaunt them! What a golden goddess!
Miley Cyrus made a bold move. To this day, we are still talking about the shock factor Miley put us through when she hosted the MTV awards. The point of her being so shocking was that she knew that by using this strategy it would keep her in the lime light for months to come. It got people talking and it has created so much buzz. Whether the comments are good or bad, this is the perfect strategy.
The way I can use this 'shock' strategy will be when I release my next collection. I will have to think of a way to get my collection, buzz and create a talking points for media. Thinking about how I can relate it back to what I do. I have many ideas!
Photos sourced from: TLO and Getty images.